- By DLG Staff
New Immigration Stream for Doctors in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia has decided to make changes to bring more doctors to their province. Earlier this week, they announced that they have opened a new immigration stream for foreign trained doctors. This change will allow new immigration applications for doctors to be processed in 5 to 10 days from the time of application.
This fast-tracked application comes as the province has made steps to bypass some of the bureaucracy surrounding bringing internationally trained doctors to Canada. Namely, doctors from 29 jurisdictions world wide will no longer be required to prove their language and education levels as part of their immigration application. Nova Scotia has cut this requirement as these important credentials are already reported on by the College of Physicians. To double check them is redundant and causes unnecessary delay.
To qualify for this new stream, doctors continue to require a current job offer in the province. The job offer must be reviewed and accepted by the Nova Scotia Health Authority or Izaak Walton Killam Health Centre located in Halifax. In addition, doctors are required to receive a licence from the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Nova Scotia to practice in the province.
The province hopes that this will begin to attract candidates to fill the 75 physician job vacancies that currently exist. With this change, comes a goal of bringing 12 new foreign doctors to the province annually.
For further information on the different programs available to immigrate to Canada contact us at acarvajal@desloges.ca
Desloges Law Group is a Toronto law firm specializing in all types of Canadian immigration law, administrative law and civil litigation. www.desloges.ca