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October 16, 2019

The Law Times reports on a panel hosted by the Law Society of Ontario and the Canadian Hispanic Bar Association in which I participated.

June 12, 2019

My interview with the AdvocateDaily regarding the Global Talent Stream becoming a permanent immigration program. 

June 01, 2019

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine hablamos sobre la experiencia de trabajo requerida bajo el programa Canadian Experience Class y las solicitudes de permisos de estudio bajo el Student Direct Stream.

May 17, 2019

The AdvocateDaily reports on my comments regarding the proposed 2019 changes to the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (ONIP).

May 01, 2019

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine hablamos sobre los Documentos de Viaje para personas protegidas y la representación legal en procesos de divorcio. 

April 24, 2019

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the calculation of the one year of Canadian work experience following graduation from a Canadian school and experience gained while registered as a full-time student but on a scheduled break.

April 16, 2019

The AdvocateDaily reports on the progress our firm has made with our satellite office in Colombia.

April 01, 2019

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine hablamos sobre la autorización para estudiar sin permiso de estudio y los Documentos de Viaje para personas protegidas en Canadá. 

March 13, 2019

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about one of the employer requirements under the employer-driven programs of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program, namely the three years of active business.  

March 12, 2019

The AdvocateDaily reports on my comments to the Canadian Press regarding new changes to immigration programs aimed at caregivers. 

March 01, 2019

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine hablamos sobre los permisos de trabajo bajo tratados de libre comercio y las solicitudes ante el Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. 

February 01, 2019

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine hablamos sobre los ingresos requeridos para patrocinar a padres y abuelos y los permisos de trabajo para solicitantes de refugio.

January 30, 2019

The AdvocateDaily reports on my comments regarding a recent report that shows that visa applicants who use an immigration lawyer are more successful in their attempt to enter Canada than those who rely on consultants or do the paperwork themselves.

January 23, 2019

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the circumstances when accompanying children of temporary workers can be eligible to study without a study permit. 

January 01, 2019

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine hablamos sobre la duración de la estadía como vistante en Canadá y el entrar de nuevo al país como visitante después de una estadía reciente. 

December 20, 2018

The AdvocateDaily reports on my comments regarding the rise in the refusal rate of Canadian study permit applications. 

December 12, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about whether work experience gained during a period of a professional training following graduation will be considered professional experience for the purpose of a permanent residence application.

December 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos la diferencia entre el Tribunal de Derechos Humanos de Ontario (Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario) y la Comisión Canadiense de Derechos Humanos (Canadian Human Rights Commission), al igual que las ofertas de empleo bajo un LMIA de dueño/operador (Owner/Operator LMIA).

November 19, 2018

The AdvocateDaily reports on the opening of our firm's satellite office in Colombia.

November 14, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about Owner Operator LMIAs and whether having this type of LMIA provides additional points for “Arranged Employment” under Express Entry.

November 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos los pasos a tomar antes del vencimiento del Post-Graduation Work Permit y el consumo de la marihuana en el lugar de trabajo.

October 17, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about arranged employment for the purposes of Express Entry. 

October 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos la revisión judicial de una visa negada y el examen de francés aceptado para solicitudes migratorias.

September 19, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the acceptable French test for immigration under the federal economic programs, more specifically which version of TEF is accepted by Canadian immigration authorities. 

September 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos la experiencia laboral requerida para clasificar bajo el programa de Canadian Experience Class y el sorteo para el patrocinio de padres y abuelos.

August 22, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the eligibility of work experience under different occupations for the purpose of meeting the minimum eligibility requirements under the Canadian Experience Class.

August 16, 2018

My comments to the AdvocateDaily on the decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) ruling that businesses cannot discriminate against job candidates able to work in the country, but who lack Canadian citizenship or permanent residence status.

August 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos la posibilidad de tener multiples nacionalidades en Canadá y la implementación del Sistema Europeo de Información y Autorización de Viajes (ETIAS).

July 25, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the eligibility of work experience completed while enrolled as a full-time student for the purpose of the Canadian Experience Class.

July 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos el pago del tiempo extra en Ontario y cómo remplazar un Record of Landing.

June 27, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about foreign work experience completed during full-time studies and whether it has an impact on a candidate’s Express Entry score.

June 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos el funcionamiento del Criminal Injuries Compensation Board y la renovación del Post-Graduation Work Permit una vez renovado el pasaporte. 

May 30, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the place of application for for an initial work permit under the Mobilité francophone program.

May 16, 2018

My comments to the AdvocateDaily on the decision of the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO) ordering a Chinese restaurant to pay $10,000 in compensation after requiring a man and three friends to prepay for their meals.

May 02, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the additional points awarded under Express Entry for Canadian education.

May 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos la validez del Bridging Open Work Permit y el requisito del eTA para algunos residentes permanentes de EEUU.

April 04, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about applications for a Bridging Open Work Permit at the Canadian port of entry.

April 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos los depósitos de seguridad cuando se renta un apartamento y solicitudes de refugio en Canadá.

March 21, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the questions asked on a candidate's Express Entry profile when declaring Canadian education.

March 07, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the extension of a Post-Graduation Work Permit that was limited due to the expiry of the applicant's passport.

March 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos apelaciones de decisiones de Employment Insurance y solicitudes para un Bridging Open Work Permit.

February 26, 2018

My comments to the AdvocateDaily on the suspension of the permanent residency programs for caregivers.

February 07, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the circumstances when an individual under an International Experience Canada work permit can apply for a new work permit within Canada.

February 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos los viajes de menores de edad a Canadá sin acompañante y los ingresos mínimos para el patrocinio de padres y abuelos.  

January 16, 2018

My comments to the AdvocateDaily on the reopening of the parent and grandparent sponsorship lottery in 2018.

January 10, 2018

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the qualifying work experience under the Federal Skilled Worker Program.

January 01, 2018

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos los accidentes en el lugar de trabajo y las entrevistas por teléfono para el landing como residente permanente.

December 18, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my interview with The Lawyer’s Daily regarding alternatives for immigrants from worn-torn countries to prove their driving experience. 

December 14, 2017

I was quoted by The Lawyer's Daily in this article dealing with the challenges faced by immigrants from war-torn countries in having their foreign driving experience recognized in Ontario.

December 07, 2017

I was quoted in this Canadian Press article dealing with immigration misrepresentations and employer abuse of immigrant workers. 

December 01, 2017

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos los derechos de un visitante en Canadá y la validez de un examen de idioma para una solicitud de ciudadanía.

November 22, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the status of a Bridging Open Work Permit following the refusal of an accompanying application for permanent residence.

November 16, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my interview with The Lawyer’s Daily regarding the multi-year immigration plan starting in 2018.

November 13, 2017

I was quoted by The Lawyer's Daily on the government's recent rollout of the multi-year immigration plan for 2018-2020.

November 01, 2017

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos la distinción entre una visa de turismo y un Record de Visitante al igual que la posibilidad de comenzar un pleito contra un roomate en el Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB). 

October 25, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the scope of an immigration consultant's practice and providing a client with non-immigration services.

October 23, 2017

My article in The Lawyer's Daily regarding the new options for European citizens to work in Canada under the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). 

October 04, 2017

Mi artículo para LATINOS Magazine con respecto a la implementación de nuevas reglas en la ley de ciudadanía canadiense.

October 04, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my comments to the Canadian Press regarding the upcoming implementation of various changes to the Citizenship Act.

October 01, 2017

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos las demandas en Small Claims Court (Corte de Instancia Menor) y el examen de ciudadanía canadiense.

September 27, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the Open Work Permit Pilot Program for in-Canada spousal sponsorship applicants.

September 08, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my comments regarding Ontario's recent changes to the Residential Tenancies Act. 

September 01, 2017

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos si es necesario que menores de edad asistan a audiencias de refugio y los requisitos para inmigrar como residente permanente bajo el programa Canadian Experience Class. 

August 23, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the upcoming changes to the LMIA recruitment process.

August 16, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my comments regarding the new Ontario immigration program for low skill workers with job offers in agriculture and construction.    

August 10, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my interview with The Lawyer’s Daily regarding the Start-Up Visa program.

August 03, 2017

I was quoted by The Lawyer's Daily on the government's plan to extend the Start-Up Visa program. 

August 02, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about tips that may assist immigration practitioners in trying to determine the National Occupation Classification of a client's job.

August 01, 2017

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos preguntas complejas sobre la autorización de los estudiantes internacionales para trabajar en Canadá. 

July 19, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on the July feature of my work in LATINOS Magazine.  

July 12, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the calculation of the one year of Canadian work experience following graduation from a Canadian school.

July 01, 2017

My personal story and my work helping immigrants in Canada was featured in the July 2017 edition of LATINOS Magazine. 

July 01, 2017

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine discutimos la legalidad de requerir cheques posfechados en contratos de arrendamiento y los requsitos de residencia en bajo la nueva ley de ciudadanía Candiense. 

June 29, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my interview with The Lawyer's Daily regarding the recent changes to the Citizenship Act. 

June 28, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about employer-specific work permits for provincial nominees (LMIA exemption T13).

June 22, 2017

I was quoted by The Lawyer's Daily on the passage of Bill C-6 and the reforms to Canada's Citizenship Act .

June 19, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my comments about the introduction of the Global Skills Strategy.

June 01, 2017

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine, discutimos la eliminación de la visa de turista para ciudadanos de Brasil, Rumania y Bulgaria al igual que la nueva edad de dependencia para solicitudes de inmigración.

May 31, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about a student's authorization to work after graduation and prior to starting a new academic program.

May 10, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the recognition of international trade diplomas/certificates by institutions authorized to issue Educational Credential Assessments (ECAs).

May 10, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my comments about the elimination of the conditional permanent residence in cases of spousal sponsorship. 

May 01, 2017

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine, discutimos los honorarios legales que se pueden recuperar en un juicio de la Corte de Reclamos Menores (Small Claims Court) y los cambios al puntaje de Express Entry que entrarán en vigencia en Junio del 2017. 

April 19, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the changes to a client's work history in an electronic Application for Permanent Residence following an Invitation to Apply.

April 18, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my comments about the extra points awarded to Francophones and those with siblings in Canada, following the most recent Express Entry reforms. 

April 01, 2017

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine, discutimos el Programa Piloto de Inmigración del Atlántico (AIPP) y los exámenes de idiomas elegibles para los perfiles de Express Entry. 

March 29, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the types of work permits that are eligible for an offer of arranged employment under Express Entry.

March 08, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about switching from a Clergy Visa to a religious worker work permit for the purpose of securing additional Express Entry points.

March 07, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on our upcoming trip to Mexico for the Vente a Canada Expo.

March 01, 2017

En nuestra columna de LATINOS Magazine, discutimos los ingresos mínimos necesarios para patrocinar a padres y abuelos y el proceso de apelar expulsiones escolares. 

February 15, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about choosing what to declare as a client's highest level of education under Express Entry.

January 30, 2017

The Canadian Press reports on my comments regarding the US Refugee Ban and what Canada should do with the Safe Third Country Agreement.

January 25, 2017

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about choosing how to declare languages under Express Entry.

January 23, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my recent seminar to the Ontario Bar Association’s citizenship and immigration section regarding the recent changes to Express Entry.

January 18, 2017

The AdvocateDaily reports on my comments about the elimination of the four year rule for temporary foreign workers in Canada. 

December 23, 2016

Artículo escrito con Renier Sifontes para el portal Vente a Canadá sobre las opciones migratorias Canadienses para aquellos sin estatus en los Estados Unidos

December 21, 2016

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the immigration options potentially available to those without status in the United States

December 14, 2016

Artículo escrito con Monica Díaz para LATINOS Magazine sobre los cambios al período de estadía de trabajadores temporales y la recepción de solicitudes de patrocinio de padres y abuelos

November 16, 2016

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the recent changes to Express Entry's Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS).

November 11, 2016

Mi artículo para LATINOS Magazine sobre los cambios al puntaje de Express Entry que entrarán en vigor en Noviembre 19 del 2016.

November 02, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports on the article I co-wrote with Samuel Plett in the LawyersWeekly regarding the options available for Americans fearing a Trump presidency. 

November 02, 2016

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the calculation of family size for the purpose of determining the Minimum Necessary Income in a parental sponsorship

October 24, 2016

An article I co-wrote with Samuel Plett in the LawyersWeekly regarding immigration options for Americans fearing a Trump presidency.  

October 17, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports reports on a recent expert panel I chaired regarding the Colombian Peace Plebiscite.

September 25, 2016

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the LMIA exemption for NAFTA professionals seeking to work in Canada while employed by a foreign service provider. 

September 15, 2016

Como cualquier profesional, un buen abogado o consultor de inmigración, debe ser elegido con mucho cuidado. Aca están 6 consejos para guiarlos en su busqueda.

September 06, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports on what I recently had to say about networking to the Canadian Colombian Professional Association and Hispanotech. 

August 23, 2016

A summary by the AdvocateDaily about my involvement with Expo Vente a Canada in Colombia.

August 17, 2016

For this week's IMEDA column I wrote about the accreditation of foreign pharmacy degrees for Canadian immigration.

August 16, 2016

Mi artículo para LATINOS Magazine sobre el producto de varias consultas que ha estado llevando a cabo el gobierno de Canadá con respecto al tema de Express Entry y posibles reformas a este sistema de gestión migratorio.

July 18, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports on my talk regarding the delicate balance between human rights and religious freedom hosted by Why Should I Care (WSIC).

July 18, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports on the LATINOS Magazine July 2016 article where I was featured for my work as a Colombian professional.

July 04, 2016

Para el mes de la independencia de Colombia LATINOS Magazine me hizo un reportaje sobre mi trabajo como profesional Colombiano en Canadá. 

June 23, 2016

Mi artículo para LATINOS Magazine sobre la eliminacion de la visa canadienses para ciudadanos mexicanos.

June 15, 2016

On this week's IMEDA Education column I write about the topic of implied status.

May 24, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports about my article in the LawyersWeekly regarding Express Entry.

May 16, 2016

My article in the LawyersWeekly regarding the good and bad about Express Entry. 

May 11, 2016

My contribution to our weekly IMEDA column on the topic of Bridging Open Work Permits.

May 03, 2016

The Canadian Press reports on my comments regarding the Auditor General's report highlighting fraud in the citizenship system.

April 22, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports on the article I co-wrote with Renier Sifontes for LATINOS Magazine on Liberal immigration reforms.

April 18, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports on my upcoming presentation at the Dixie Bloor Neighbourhood Centre regarding recent updates to several immigration programs.

April 06, 2016

My contribution to our weekly IMEDA column on the topic of proving ties to Ontario for the purpose of an OINP application.

April 04, 2016

El artículo que escribí con Renier Sifontes para LATINOS Magazine con respecto a las reformas propuestas por el gobierno Liberal al sistema de inmigración canadiense. 

March 28, 2016

I was quoted by the LawyersWeekly on the topic of working relationships in law firms and management styles that work better.

March 01, 2016

El artículo que escribí con Renier Sifontes para LATINOS Magazine con respecto a la propuesta del gobierno de abolir la residencia condicial para parejas patrocinadas.

February 26, 2016

El artículo que escribí con Renier Sifontes para LATINOS Magazine con respecto a la propuesta del gobierno de reformar la ley canadiense de ciudadanía. 

February 25, 2016

The Canadian Press reports on my thoughts regarding the proposal of the Liberal givernment to amend Canada's citizenship law.

February 24, 2016

My contribution to our weekly IMEDA column on the topic of providing US immigration related services.

February 23, 2016

A few more of my comments on the 'Caliphate Cubs' during this radio interview with The Motts Show (minute 23:20).

February 18, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports on my remarks regarding the citizenship rights of ISIS brides and their unborm children. 

February 11, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports on my thoughts regarding the new email guidelines issued by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).

January 27, 2016

My contribution to our weekly IMEDA column on the topic of electronic Travel Authorizations and applications for Work Permits at a port of entry.

January 25, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports on my thoughts regarding the Canadian Chamber of Commerce's recent report on the use of Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs) as part of the Express Entry system.

January 05, 2016

The AdvocateDaily reports on my thoughts regarding the merits of a recent case by an international engineering graduate before the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario (HRTO).

December 30, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on my recent appointment as the President of the Canadian Colombian Professional Association.  

December 23, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on my interview with the Law Times regarding recent disciplinary decisions by the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) against two refugee lawyers. 

December 21, 2015

The Law Times reports on my comments regarding the disciplinary decisions rendered by the Law Society of Upper Canada (LSUC) in the case of two refugee lawyers who represented Roma clients.  

December 16, 2015

My contribution to our weekly IMEDA column on the requirements of valid job offers of employment under Express Entry.

December 10, 2015

The Canadian Press reports on my thoughts regarding the recent Supreme Court  of Canada decision of Kanthasamy v. Canada (Citizenship and Immigration)

November 27, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on my article in LATINOS Magazine regarding the processing of parent and grandparent sponsorship applications.

November 19, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on my promotion to partner at Desloges Law Group. 

November 17, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on my thoughts of what is to be expected in the immigration front given the mandate leters from the newly elected Prime Minister to the Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship. 

November 05, 2015

Mi artículo en LATINOS Magazine con respecto a la prisa en preparar las solicitudes de patrocinio para padres y abuelos del 2016.

November 04, 2015

My contribution to our weekly IMEDA column on the topic of Educational Credential Assesments and how to declare multiple degrees under Express Entry.

October 30, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on my interview with regarding the struggles of many Venezuelan students due to problems with the country's currency exchange commission.

October 20, 2015

Mi artículo en LATINOS Magazine con respecto a los anticipados cambios en la ley de inmigración bajo el gobierno de Justin Trudeau.

October 15, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on the ethics course I delivered to immigration consulting students at Herzing College. 

October 02, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on my particpation at the Expo Vente a Canada in Colombia.

October 01, 2015

My interview with regarding the impact of the failures of the venezuelan exchange comission on venezuelan students abroad. 

September 23, 2015

My contribution to our weekly IMEDA column on the topic of applications to restore status as temporary residents.

September 03, 2015

The Canadian Press reports on my thoughts regarding the sad news about a drowned Syrian boy and the migrant crisis.

August 20, 2015

The Canadian Press reports on my comments regarding recent court challenges against Bill C-24 and proposed changes to the Citizenship Act.

August 12, 2015

My contribution to our weekly IMEDA column on the topic of eligible professional experience under Express Entry.

August 10, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on my major takeaways from the government's Express Entry Mid-Year Report.

August 06, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on some lessons from my recent talk to Pan Am visitors hosted by the Centre for Spanish Speaking Peoples in Toronto.

July 23, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on my interview with the Lawyers Weekly regarding the lack of oversight of the CBSA following the death of detainee.

July 09, 2015

The AdvocateDaily reports on my article in LATINOS Magazine regarding the most recent amendments to the Citizenship Act.

July 07, 2015

My interview with the Lawyers Weekly regarding recent calls for CBSA oversight following a detainee's death.

July 06, 2015

Mi artículo en LATINOS Magazine con respecto a la entrada en vigor de los cambios mas recientes a la ley de ciudadanía canadiense.

July 02, 2015

My contribution to our weekly IMEDA column on the interpretation and declaration of certain Educational Credential Assessment results.

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